LinuxTag Talk Schedule 2014
Thursday, 08.05.2014
Time | Stage 11 |
Stage 12 |
Stage E |
Stage D |
Stage C |
Stage B |
Stage A |
9:30 | K e y n o t e |
10:00 | d r o i d c o n T r a c k I |
C o n f i g m a n a g e m e n t |
A g i l e m e t h o d s |
Agile Software entwicklung von Anfang an - Wie flexibel soll's denn sein?
Andre Schütz (Wegtam UG (haftung sbeschränkt)) |
B u s i n e s s - u n d B e h ö r d e n k o n g r e s s |
Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (OSS-ERP) and SME - An unresolvable task?
Frederik Kramer (Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster (MRCC)) |
10:30 | batou - a multi-(c omponent|environment|platform|.*) deployment tool
Christian Theune (gocept gmbh & co. kg) |
Datacenter Management mit 100% Open Source am Beispiel der Bereitstellung eines SAP-Systems
Steffen Rieger (it-novum GmbH) |
d r o i d c o n T r a c k I I |
d r o i d c o n T r a c k I I I |
d r o i d c o n T r a c k I V |
11:00 | Virtuelle Maschinen mit Packer, Vagrant und Salt bauen
Markus Zapke-Gründemann (Deutscher Django Verein e.V.) |
11:30 | ||||||||||||||
12:00 | K e y n o t e |
12:30 | ||||||||||||||
13:00 | ||||||||||||||
d r o i d c o n T r a c k I |
Quantified Self: Android Apps for Self Tracking with Wearables and Health-M onitoring Devices
Andreas Schreiber (DLR) |
13:30 | ||||||||||||||
14:00 | Oh so you test? - A guide to testing on Android (anywhere) from Unit to Mutation
Paul Blundell (Novoda) |
Bring your Project from a 10 Years to a 3 Months Release Cycle
Stefan Schmidt (Samsung Open Source Group) |
14:30 | ||||||||||||||
Wie wir einmal 500 Server mit 150 Personen in 3 Tagen migriert haben und was wir alles gelernt haben
Ralph Angenendt (ImmobilienScout 24) |
Android SDK for Consumer Healthcare
Holger Östreich (Compugroup) and Roberto Flores (Compugroup) and Jens Dommel (Compugroup) |
15:00 | ||||||||||||||
15:30 | ||||||||||||||
16:00 | Creating a dynamic software deployment solution using free/libre software
Mattias Giese (B1 Systems GmbH) |
Let an on-site UX consultant break down the walls between design and engineering
Edna Kropp (akquinet AG) and Nicole Charlier (akquinet AG) |
16:30 | Konfigur ationsmanagement und Deployment mit Ansible
Burkhard Noltensmeier ( netzdienste GmbH) |
Der intelligente Warenkorb. AGPL lizenzierter Enabler, entwickelt durch die Deutsche Telekom
Karsten Reincke (Deutsche Telekom AG / Products & Innovation) |
17:00 | Open Source client management for Windows and Linux with opsi
Detlef Oertel (uib gmbh) and Niko Wenselowski (uib gmbh) |
Datenintegration im Service – Mit OTRS die passenden Daten für den Service-Prozess liefern!
Rico Barth (c.a.p.e. IT GmbH) |
17:30 | ||||||||||||||
18:00 | ||||||||||||||
18:30 | P r a c t i c a l S e c u r i t y |
T u n e t h e W e b |
D e s k t o p |
Pipelight: Windows Plugins in Linux Browsers
Michael Müller (Pipelight-Team) and Sebastian Lackner (Pipelight-Team) and Erich Hoover (Pipelight-Team) |
B o o t i n g |
O n T h e A d v a n c e o f F r e e S o f t w a r e |
Heartbleed und die Theorie des reziproken Altruismus: Verleihung des Absolven tenpreises
Peter H. Ganten (Univention GmbH) and Jan Kleinert (Linux-Magazin) |
B r i n g b a c k y o u r s e r v e r s | - Secure Private Cloud in a post-Snowden World
Torsten Grote (Kolab Systems AG) and Till Adam (KDE) |
H a n d s - o n W o r k s h o p s |
19:00 | Hybrid web development: combining AngularJS with server frameworks
Jos Vos (X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV) |
19:30 | WebODF – publish and edit OpenDocument files in your web site or web app
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau (KO GmbH) and Tobias Hintze (KO GmbH) |
20:00 | ||||||||||||||
PostfixAdmin 3.0 - Mailserver verwalten leicht gemacht
Christian Boltz (openSUSE community & PostfixAdmin) |
20:30 | Vom Aussterben bedroht: die Universa lmaschine Computer
Matthias Kirschner (Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE)) |
UEFI Secure Boot und Linux
Hendrik Schwartke (OpenSource Security Ralf Spenneberg) and Ralf Spenneberg (OpenSource Training Ralf Spenneberg) |
OSLiC & OSCAd 2.0: Free license advice
Kristian Schuhmacher (Amadeus IT Group) and Karsten Reincke (Deutsche Telekom AG / Products & Innovation) |
21:00 | The Need for Integrated Open-Sou rce-Systems and How To Get There (Call for Participation)
Timo Kucza (Deutsches Forschun gszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) - Institut für Wirtscha ftsinformatik) |
21:30 | Ubuntu Privacy Remix: Radikaler Ansatz gegen Bespitzelung durch NSA, Verfassu ngsschutz & Co.
Andreas Heinlein (Entwicklerteam Ubuntu Privacy Remix) and Mark Zorko |
How open development data benefits your project and your community
Jesus M. Gonzalez -Barahona (Bitergia) |
Friday, 09.05.2014
Time | Stage 11 |
Stage 12 |
Stage E |
Stage D |
Stage C |
Stage B |
Stage A |
9:30 | K e y n o t e |
10:00 | T r a c i n g a n d L o g g i n g |
d r o i d c o n T r a c k V |
K e r n e l |
O p e n S t a c k |
10:30 | Sicheres Anwendun gs-Monitoring mit SNMP
Gerrit Beine (GI, Agile Saxony, FreeBSD Contributor, openSUSE Member) |
d r o i d c o n T r a c k V I |
d r o i d c o n T r a c k V I I |
d r o i d c o n T r a c k V I I I |
11:00 | ||||||||||||||
11:30 | ||||||||||||||
12:00 | K e y n o t e |
The Linux kernel, how it is developed, and how we stay sane doing it
Greg Kroah-Hartman (Linux Foundation) |
12:30 | ||||||||||||||
13:00 | ||||||||||||||
13:30 | ||||||||||||||
14:00 | T r a c i n g a n d L o g g i n g |
High-end Graphical Effects on Android x86
Björn Taubert (Intel) and Steve Hughes (Intel) and Adrian Voinea (Gameloft) |
What's up in Kernel land
Thorsten Leemhuis (Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG -- Redaktion c't) |
14:30 | Software-Defined Networking for OpenStack using Open Source Plugins and VMware NSX
Yves Fauser (VMware) |
How to bring compute intensive C++ based apps to Android
Martin Siggel (DLR (German Aerospace Center)) |
15:00 | ||||||||||||||
15:30 | ||||||||||||||
16:00 | ||||||||||||||
16:30 | ||||||||||||||
17:00 | Finding method in the madness: the challenges of the automatic classification of log messages
Péter Gyöngyösi (BalaBit IT Security) |
17:30 | Data visualization as a means to explore and detect known and unknown security issues in log files
Jan-Erik Stange (Fachhochschule Potsdam) and Johannes Landstorfer (IXDS) |
Kernel Kwestioning
Nils Magnus (LinuxTag e. V.) and Thorsten Leemhuis (Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG -- Redaktion c't) |
18:00 | ||||||||||||||
18:30 | C a r e e r s |
M i s c |
Podiumsd iskussion: Open-Sou rce-Arbeitsplätze in der Verwaltung
Jana Borkamp (Bezirk Berlin Friedric hhain-Kreuzberg) |
E m b e d d e d |
Meine SPS kann Linux, und nun? - Ein Linux-basierter Software-Stack für industrielle Eingebettete Systeme
Christoph Stoidner (arvero GmbH) |
C l o u d |
H a n d s - O n W o r k s h o p s |
P r o j e c t N e w s |
C o m m u n i t y L e a d e r s h i p S u m m i t |
19:00 | ||||||||||||||
19:30 | OpenMandriva on ARM as a part of Automated Build Farm Cluster
Alexander Khryukin (OpenMandriva Association) |
Sichere Web-Appl ikationen am Beispiel von Django
Markus Zapke-Gründemann (Deutscher Django Verein e.V.) |
20:00 | ||||||||||||||
20:30 | NSA? No thanks. Build your own Cloud with OpenStack and Cloud Foundry.
Julian Fischer (anynines) and Julian Weber (Anynines) |
21:00 | ||||||||||||||
21:30 | ||||||||||||||
Saturday, 10.05.2014
Time | Stage 11 |
Stage 12 |
Stage E |
Stage D |
Stage C |
Stage B |
Stage A |
9:30 | K e y n o t e |
10:00 | S e c u r i t y a f t e r S n o w d e n |
E-Mail made in Germany: Broken by design, überflüssig dank DANE.
Peer Heinlein (Heinlein Support GmbH) and Johannes Rundfeldt (Heinlein Support GmbH) |
d r o i d c o n B a r c a m p S e s s i o n I + I I |
B i g D a t a S t o r a g e |
Eigene Suchmaschine betreiben mit der Open Source Suchmasc hinensoftware Apache Lucene/Solr
Markus Mandalka |
S y s t e m E n g i n e e r i n g |
M o b i l e |
Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt: Mit User Centered Design Mobile UX entwickeln
Philipp Kumar (akquinet AG) and Nicole Charlier (akquinet AG) |
d r o i d c o n B a r c a m p S e s s i o n I I I |
d r o i d c o n B a r c a m p S e s s i o n I V |
10:30 | Building Google- in-a-box: Using Apache SolrCloud and Bigtop to index your bigdata
Roman Shaposhnik (Pivotal Inc.) |
DANEn lügen nicht - E-Mail Transpor tverschlüsselung "reloaded"
Patrick Koetter (sys4 AG) and Carsten Strotmann (Men & Mice / |
11:00 | ||||||||||||||
11:30 | ||||||||||||||
12:00 | K e y n o t e |
12:30 | ||||||||||||||
13:00 | ||||||||||||||
13:30 | ||||||||||||||
14:00 | S e c u r i t y a f t e r S n o w d e n |
Non-violent communication with your highly available Linux cluster
Lars Marowsky-Brée (SUSE Linux Products GmbH) |
14:30 | OSIAM - Sichere Identitä tsverwaltung auf Basis von SCIMv2 und OAuth2
Andreas Grau (tarent solutions GmbH) and Thomas Krille (tarent solutions GmbH) |
UDOO: The Ultimate maker's Tool - A physical computing perspective
Michelangelo Guarise (AidiLAB S.r.l.) |
15:00 | Pluggable real-time resource monitoring and correlation using Dstat
Dag Wieers (Dagit Linux Solutions) |
15:30 | ||||||||||||||
16:00 | Mehr als E-Mails: Smartphones und Tablets als Schweizer Taschenmesser für Admins
Holger Gantikow (science- computing ag) |
16:30 | Easy-to-use secure accessible email encryption for everyone: kinko
Michael Prinzinger ( |
Die neue Realität: Erweiterung des Data Warehouse um Hadoop, NoSQL & Co
Stefan Müller (it-novum GmbH) |
17:00 | Lass mich, ich kann das selbst! – Selbstve rteidigung von Privatsphähre und Datenschutz
Michael Christen ( |
17:30 | Eine für Cloud Computing optimierte Software-defined Storage Plattform (SDS)
David Breitung (openATTIC) |
Date of print: Thursday, January 16 2025, 22:47h
Important Notice: Schedule is subject to change. Please refer to for current version.